kaldi-active-grammar (or KAG) is an open source system for writing code by voice.
It uses a local speech model, which can even be customized for your own voice.
KAG has extremely low recognition latency, and very good command accuracy, because
it dynamically adjusts the set of words it expects based on your Python grammar.
Try voice coding today!
Instructions below are for Linux. See here for Mac OS and Windows instructions.
Install dependencies (Python 3.6+ recommended, 2.7 also works):
$ sudo apt install xdotool python3 python3-venv
(Recommended) Create a python virtual environment to keep dependencies organized:
$ python3 -m venv env && source env/bin/activate && \
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
Install kaldi-active-grammar and dragonfly integration:
$ python -m pip install kaldi-active-grammar 'dragonfly2[kaldi]'
Download a voice grammar such as dwk's kaldi-grammar-main (or daanzu's kaldi-grammar-simple
$ git clone git@github.com:dwks/kaldi-grammar-main.git && cd kaldi-grammar-main
Download the latest speech model from here. At the time of this writing, the latest is kaldi_model_daanzu_20200905_1ep-biglm.zip.
$ wget $LATEST_MODEL && unzip kaldi_model_*.zip
(Optional) Make sure the right microphone is used: run
$ python kaldi_module_loader.py -l
in kaldi_module_loader.py to the appropriate microphone number. Or, if using pulseaudio, change the microphone while the loader is running with pavucontrol
Run the grammar and wait for the initial first compile (subsequent runs will be much faster):
$ python kaldi_module_loader.py
Once you see the message "engine (INFO): Listening...", you can speak commands!
Some commands from kaldi-grammar-simple are shown. See also this PDF cheatsheet.
Check out daanzu's live demo, on YouTube.
For additional questions or comments on this page, please contact me at dwk at voxhub period io
For more information, join this messaging room. Many voice coders frequent it, including dwk and daanzu.
The author of kaldi-active-grammar is David Zurow (daanzu). Please support him if you find this project useful.